Tully Runners - Boys Race Performance Database


Girls Performance XC Database

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Boy's Section 3 XC Database (updated Sept 18, 2024)

I have prepared six separate tables containing the database information ... the tables are alphabetized by school.  Note: the database contains just Section 3 schools ... the current listing is limited to runners currently in high school ... for prior data (including 2023 graduates), see note at bottom.

Database is alphabetized by School name ... to see a specific listing, click on the appropriate range:

School  A-B School  D-J School  P-S
School  C School  L-O School  T-Z


Graduate Note:

The current database does not contain data for seniors who graduated in 2000-202

43 ...

IF you are interested in data from previous years ... see the bottom of the Database Page or contact Bill Meylan



Developed and maintained by Bill Meylan